Protection and Conservation


Salama Cooperative preserves and protects forest fragments within the cooperative’s farms. These farms are made up of broadleaf and savanna trees. One of the causes that most affects the loss of fauna species is the deterioration of the habitat, alteration of ecosystems and contamination of water bodies. In Cooperativa Salamá it is reflected that the fragments with better conservation and better size harbor more wealth of mastofauna. So it is essential to continue protecting these small fragments of forests and their bodies of water. Reforestation and water quality activities are carried out for them.

“Palm oil is decimating the great diversity of species in Southeast Asia, as it swallows large stretches of tropical forest. But if we replace it with rapeseed, soybean or sunflower crops, other natural ecosystems and other species could suffer. To end destruction, we must strive to produce deforestation-free palm oil, and ensure that all efforts to limit the use of palm oil have solid and reliable scientific information to understand the consequences,” said The lead author of the report and chair of the IUCN Working Group, Erik Meijaard, about palm oil.

Aware of environmental scenarios, Salama Cooperative perseveres to create and transmit awareness to members, staff and the general population. In order to avoid worse scenarios, environmental talks are held for employees of the Cooperative and students from the schools surrounding the farms, in order to create awareness so that together we protect natural resources. The future of our planet depends on a change of mentality in those habits that generate negative impacts, this allows the start of a process to preserve and maintain natural resources.